//How to setup your first ringless voicemail campaign?

How to setup your first ringless voicemail campaign?

2018-10-03T08:20:44+00:00 April 19th, 2018|

In today’s fast-paced business environment, to make sure that your promotional message has been received immediately looks like a most challenging task. As people are already receiving hundreds of emails, notifications, alerts, and messages on daily basis, so it seems like a useless thing to inform them through email that you are selling something.

Therefore, the decision of choosing ringless voicemail can help you leverage the habits of your clients, users, and employees without even causing disruption to their busy schedules.

Goals to achieve through ringless voicemail:

Most of the call centers and small businesses choose ringless voicemail which is specialized software that can deliver the prerecorded messages directly to the user’s cell phone in audio form. By choosing such efficient technology, the user will never get irritated by their noisy mobile tone; and hence it helps agents and marketers to deliver their promotional offer in more effective manner.

Ringless voicemail is a scalable & flexible solution which can be used across telemarketing or call center industries to achieve different goals from lead generation to the customer appreciation and alert notifications.

Setting up your first ringless voicemail campaign:

You need to follow these steps to start a ringless voicemail campaign:

  • Set a goal: Goal setting can allow you to track the objective results and offer you the opportunity to carefully evaluate the performance of the campaign. The goals may vary with time, but at least you can track how many people will perform the desired action for your campaign.
  • Record the message: The effective ringless voicemail campaign is highly targeted and personalized. In order to generate leads, the message needs to appear to be addressed for an individual as well as mass broadcast. And for the informational type of campaigns, you need to make sure that all the relevant details are included in the message itself. You can write a proper script to organize the thoughts and ensure that you have communicated effectively with your audience.
  • Schedule a time: The most amazing benefit of ringless voicemail is, it can be delivered at any time without even disturbing your recipient. However, time scheduling is also quite important as you want to ensure that people have checked your message. Consider when the target audience is most likely to check their messages, whether this is during their lunch break or at another free time throughout the day, then schedule your voicemail delivery prior to those timings throughout the day.
  • Track the results: Once the campaign has been launched, track your ongoing results, keep up with the latest news and then make adjustments as This is especially important when ringless voicemail becomes a part of your multifaceted outreach campaign.

Avoid common pitfalls:

While setting up your first campaign, you need to avoid these major pitfalls that can affect your results badly;

  • Little or no targeting
  • Inadequate follow-ups
  • Poor/ineffective messaging

Depending on the niche, you can find that sending multiple voice messages through ringless voicemail platform can perform well on the specific kind of campaign, and may help you bring good results in short time period.

For more details on ringless voicemail solutions, you can visit VoIP Terminator where professional people can guide you efficiently in no time.

Ringless Voicemail Drops - VoIP Terminator

About the Author:

I am a passionate writer working for VoIP Terminator. I help people in all aspects of Home improvement, Artificial intelligence and Call center industry.