
Predictive Dialers

/Predictive Dialers
Predictive Dialers 2019-03-20T06:33:18+00:00

Hosted Predictive Dialer

VoIP Terminator is providing multiple open source predictive dialers such as Vicidial and Goautodial with setup, hosting, management and support.

Our predictive dialers are packaged with all the features that one can ask for in a call center set up. Along with that, we have kept simplicity and quality optimum to ensure the smoothest connectivity between you and your customers.

Immediate Customer Support

We make best efforts to avoid chaos for the customers. That is why we offer simple installation and setup with our predictive dialer.

Limitless Opportunities

The efforts put in the business campaign suffer a lot when agents dial the wrong ends on the calls. Predictive dialer help you tap the right opportunities.

No Hardware Needed

Our predictive dialer is well equipped and you don’t have to worry about any hardware because there is none.

Live Monitoring

Call monitoring is crucial in maintaining the services standards. You can easily monitor every ongoing activity.

A Smart Call Center Dialer To Access Your Customers

Your business services are well and good but the key factor is to start a conversation with a customer to convey the virtues of it. Predictive dialer is a perfect initiator of customer talk, an ideal outbound call center solution.

Our Dialers


VICIdial outbound predictive dialer, astGUIclient Asterisk PBX user interface.


VICIdial Hosting
VICIdial Support
VICIdial Consultancy


Open Source Web Based Call Center system based on CentOS


GOautodial Hosting
GOautodial Support
GOautodial Consultancy